Right of Refusal for Photography


The Norfolk YMCA Aquajet Swim Team may opt to have photographs (individual and in groups) of swimmers under the age of 18 that may include your child during their membership in the club.  All photos will be taken and published in line with club policies.   These photos might be used in local publications and/or on the Norfolk YMCA Aquajet Swim Team Facebook page (private page – only accessed via a confirmed request). The Norfolk YMCA Aquajet Swim Team may also choose to have swim meets hosted by the Aquajets video streamed on a public online platform (YouTube).  During this video, the names of the swimmers participating may be mentioned in an audio form.

Any parent has the right to refuse or opt out of having their child photographed and/or mentioned in the audio portion of any swim competition hosted by the Norfolk YMCA Aquajet Swim Team that is live video streamed.

Parents have a right to refuse to their child being photographed and mentioned in audio.

Please click on the link below, download, and complete the form IF you would like to opt out of any of the above mentioned scenarios.  You must deliver the form to the Norfolk YMCA Aquajet Swim Team Safe Sport Club Coordinator (Kent Olberding) via email or hand-delivery during any time during  the child’s membership with the club.

NYA Photo and Audio Recognition Right of Refusal

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